Today, staff at Nationwide Marlborough presented a cheque for £800 to Catherine Williams, Co-ordinator of Love Marlborough Kids Meals. The money was raised from the raffle of eight hampers jam-packed with goodies donated by local businesses. Love Marlborough Kids Meals provides a hot family meal every Friday to those families who need it.
Hayley Cartwright from Nationwide said, “We are very grateful for the support of local businesses and we are so pleased to have raised so much money so quickly for such a good cause. People love a raffle and were keen to support us. We only started the raffle at the beginning of December.”
Catherine Williams told, “We’re grateful to all the local businesses and organisations who are so reliable in their support for us which means we can be sustainable in our support of families who need us. The money Nationwide have raised will go directly to buy food which we will cook and send out every Friday to our families.”
Local businesses who donated items for the raffle are: Pinos, Marlborough Photo Services, Waitrose, Tesco, Costa, Fair Isle and Rick Stein.
Love Marlborough Kids Meals is always looking for more volunteers – people with cooking experience to be part of the cook rota, kitchen helpers from 3-5pm on Fridays, delivery drivers 4.15pm to 5.15pm, Fridays. Rotas are flexible and volunteers do not have to commit to every week. Please email if you feel you can help.
If you would like to request a family meal – phone 07423126477, or message on Facebook or click here for the website.