Trucks in Inappropriate Places
Trucks in Inappropriate Places (Trucks Terrorising Marlborough)
Marlborough is becoming ever more popular as a place for large articulated lorries to become stuck. Be it as a result of unconsidered SatNav guidance, diversion to to M4 or A34 problems, or just sheer optimism combined with ignorance on the part of the lorry driver, it’s becoming an increasing problem causing hold-ups and inconvenience, not to mention damage to streets, buildings, parked cars and general highway ‘furniture’.
Here is a section where some of these excesses can be publicised, if you see any such incidents, please take pics (phone pics will be fine) and send these in to Marlborough News Online at with details of where and when. We won’t print your name unless you request that we do.
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When: 20th May 2015
Where: Silverless Street – junction with Kingsbury Street
When: 7th May 2015
Where: Kennet Place
A very skilled and careful truck driver had to reverse out of Kennet Place into The Parade …. just as schools were turning out as he’d been told by the Builders (new apartments) that there was plenty of room to turn around!
When: 30th April 2015
Where: Kingsbury Street, Junction with Silverles Street
The flower shop at 6 Kingsbury St is damaged as an articulated lorry takes a short cut from herd St to Kingsbury Street – click for main story
When: 29 September 2015, night-time
Where: Kingsbury Street at its junction with Silverless Street
Full story here.