Marlborough’s Anglican Team have decided to open St Mary’s Church for a special period of reflection following the referendum vote. The church will open during the evening of Wednesday, July 6 from for an hour from 6.00pm – and will welcome anyone feeling the need for a ‘time out’ and silent reflection.
The Team Rector, Rev Canon Andrew Studdert-Kennedy says: “It’s hard to think of any single subject in the past fifteen years that has provoked as much controversy as the Leave Vote in last week’s referendum. It has been the dominant topic of conversation for almost a week and promises to continue in that vein.”
“I dread to think how many words I have uttered on the subject or how much I might have contradicted myself or how hypocritical I might have unintentionally shown myself to be.”
“There comes a time for us all when words are exhausted and so, too, those who deploy them.”
There will be the opportunity to light candles and time simply to consider the need for a healing of divisions that have been exposed and to see what, as members of the same society, we need to learn from each other.
St Mary’s Church (which is in Patten Alley – behind the Town Hall) is open every day, but the Team thought it would be appropriate to offer this dedicated time to consider the Commandment to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’.
The Team Rector’s invitation is simple: “Do come along if you would like to.”