Monday’s meeting (November 2) of Marlborough Town Council Planning Committee will have before it the revised plans for outline planning permission for the Crown Estates’ major housing development on the agricultural land west of Salisbury Road opposite the business park.
This outline planning application is “for up to 175 dwellings (Use Class C3), hotel (C1), new access from Salisbury Road, open space, landscaping, ecological mitigation, drainage works and ancillary works at land west of Salisbury Road, Marlborough for Crown Estates.”
As Marlborough News Online has reported, these revised plans have reduced the number of houses from 220 to ‘up to 175’ and made major changes as regards ecological mitigation and landscaping – after negotiations with Wiltshire Council.
The plans were originally put forward and approved by the Town Council in February. The Crown Estate is now ‘seeking to expedite delivery of the Salisbury Road Strategic Site’.
The planning application reference number is 15/02026/OUT and the full documents can be found on the Wiltshire Council website.
The Planning Committee meeting starts at 7.00pm at the Town Hall.