Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without the annual nativity plays. This year three of our local schools have already prepared and performed to parents and there’s still a week of school left! See below for details of the very imaginative nativity plays that have been delighting audiences.
Kennet Valley School, Lockeridge
Jacqy McQue, teacher at Kennet Valley School, said, “To laughter and tears from parents and grandparents, Key Stage 1 put on a fabulous and hilarious performance of ‘Born in a Barn’ yesterday at the Kennet Valley Hall whilst the audience sipped mulled wine and ate mince pies, raising much needed funds for school.
The raffle for ‘The Royal Box’ was won by the delighted Lizi and Noah, enabling them to sit in the best seats in the house! Children sang and acted their hearts out, including 5 fabulous solos They also performed some amazing dance moves.
“You have all shown such amazing courage which is one of our school core values,” said Katie Mallinson, head-teacher.
A parent commented, “that was just perfect, I enjoyed every single minute of it!”
Marlborough St Mary’s CE Primary School
Teacher, Louise Stevens, told, “Years 1 and 2 have been enjoying performing ‘Lights Camel Action!’ which tells the traditional Christmas story with a ‘Strictly’ twist. They put on two shows to packed audiences on Tuesday 10thDecember who particularly enjoyed the tango inspired song ‘The Innkeepers’ Tango’.
Preshute Cof EVC Primary School
Charlotte Coulson, teacher at Preshute Primary, explained, “We have been performing the Nativity,’The Christmas Recipe’. It tells the story of all the things we need for a perfect Christmas, but don’t forget the vital ingredient: Baby Jesus! We are very proud of the children’s hard work learning all their songs and lines.”