I am writing in response to a letter you recently published regarding the Wagon Yard Artists. Firstly, like many other people in this town I think the Wagon Yard is a great place and have shopped there. We are lucky in Marlborough to have thriving artist groups and galleries.
The letter followed on from an article you published on a change in rent for the premises which was on Facebook*. The article did not contain comment from Wiltshire Council and this was questioned. The situation is more complex than the headline or article suggest and Jacqui Melhuish who was interviewed in the article, helpfully provided more of the background details in the Facebook conversation. I don’t see my role in that conversation as in any way ‘shooting the messenger’ but drawing out a rounded view of the wider context and issues.
Wiltshire Council offer expert, one-to-one and peer-to-peer business support, events, specialist programmes, resources, access to funding and much more through the Growth Hub. Through the Wiltshire Towns Programme the Council have invested £4 million since 2021 into our towns via funding to Town Councils. The allocation is based on population and Marlborough has received its fair share. There have also been grants, for example, £10,000 to businesses starting up in empty High Street Shops. Through the Area Board Wiltshire also offers grants to local community groups and since 2021 we have invested over £165,000 in local projects. I am always happy to support people to access available funding.
I am a big fan of the press and believe we need good quality balanced journalism to inform us all. Equally, free speech is a right for all and that includes me as a councillor. I believe the article was intended to support the Wagon Yard in finding new premises and it would be wonderful if this happens. If, by focussing on my comments, instead of the situation the Wagon Yard faces, opportunities are lost it would be unfortunate. However, as the saying goes ‘all publicity is good publicity’! Let us all hope this additional correspondence will help to find the Wagon Yard a new home for many years to come.
Councillor Jane Davies
* Note: We did not publish on Facebook, the link was posted there. Ed