At the extraordinary meeting of the Full Town council on Monday evening (08 January) councillors agreed the precept for the forthcoming financial year. The increase is st at 6.54% against the current year.
What does this mean in reality? For each ‘Band D’ household, the Precept will rise by £15.27 to £246.97 for the full year.
This followed a quite exhaustive line-by-line examination of expenditure (and likely income), a process driven by the chair of the Finance & Policy Committee, Cllr. Caroline Thomas.
The main area of debate during this discussion centred on the costs involved of staging the Civil War re-enactment which has been agreed and is scheduled for this coming July. For a variety of reasons it wasn’t able to identify an amount to budget for this event – how much would be covered by external sponsorship being one – so the costs attached to this will probably be identified and allocated at a later stage.