MantonFest is nearly with us again. On Saturday next week (25 June) Marlborough’s music festival is back, on its normal day, the last Saturday in June.
Marlborough’s music festival? Yes it is, but it’s much more than that. It’s a day out, in the very relaxed setting of the Manton Grange Watermeadow, a natural amphitheatre where people can socialise with their families and friends in a friendly and informal environment whilst listening to some excellent music and watching great performances. Some original (Animals and friends, returning after six years), Barrelhouse – local but a driving blues band with several albums under their belt and a national following – Mercury Prize nominated Rosalie Cunningham, Jean Genie, a top Bowie tribute act and Nottingham’s Fab4, recreating and bringing the sounds and timeless songs of the Beatles from the Liverpool in the Sixties to us all in Manton on Saturday 25.
And many more bands. Kotonic, a very busy and original local three piece with a fast-growing following, Dangerous Kitchen, @59, and regulars Skedaddle. A great mix of bands and music entertaining everyone in the Preshute meadow from 11am on Saturday 25 until the lights go out and the sound system turns off at 11:30 that evening.
Marlborough had one fantastic and memorable day out at the beginning of June – the Queen’s Jubilee Party in the High Street on Thursday 2. Whilst no-one would ever suggest that MantonFest could top that, or even compete (that was a very special day), some of the enjoyment, camaraderie and good feeling of that Jubilee party can be revisited and reawakened in the Preshute Watermeadow on MantonFest Saturday.
“Great to be back, especially on our normal Saturday in June” said impresario Roger Grant, who’s been organising MantonFest and raising funds for charities and the Village Hall for each of the many years since it started in 2010. “A wonderful day out for everyone” he added. “Family, friends, even dogs are welcome, we want you all to enjoy the day.”
As well as the bands creating and delivering the music there will be stalls and bars present offering a wide range of foods and drinks. Sure, as Roger Grant says “bring your own food and drink, or visit the many stalls here”, the laid-back and relaxed atmosphere of the day means that people there can enjoy themselves.
To get a bit more of a feel for the day, click here to see the ‘Issuu’ ‘page turning’ online version of the MantonFest programme. You might have already seen or picked up a copy, they are printed and in wide circulation but if not, check it out here.