With just two days to go to the EU elections, a surge in the opinion polls reveals that the Green Party has hit its highest ratings – at 12 per cent up by four since the last poll and now two per cent ahead of the Lib-Dems.
And there are suggestions too that Labour in its strongest areas could suffer because the Greens offer an in-out referendum on membership of the EU compared with Labour rejecting a referendum, primarily because it would be bad for big business.
Based on a national swing, the latest poll results would see the Green Party tripling the number of MEPs in England and in Wales to six, while the Lib Dems would be reduced to four MEPs, claims party leader Natalie Bennett.
According to another poll, 57 per cent of people said deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg should resign if his party is beaten by the Greens in the European elections while only 21 per cent said he shouldn’t.
The polls are reflecting what Green activist Dr Sam Page has been hearing canvassing in Marlborough.
“We have had a great response from the public, many voters, especially women and young people, telling me they are planning to vote Green,” she told Marlborough News Online.
“Others were persuaded when they realised that all 58 European Green MEPs work together in the European Parliament on issues that affect us here in Marlborough, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, traffic and river pollution and bee-killing pesticides, as well as promoting improved rural transport and renewable energy.
“Green MEPs work hard and have the best voting record in the European Parliament, turning out for more than 90 per cent of the votes over the past five years.”