Contrary to the initial news from Wiltshire Council, there are only seven confirmed candidates for the seven available seats. Also contrary to earlier reports Bryan Castle is now listed as standing whereas Martin Sims’ name has been withdrawn.
Marlborough East is similarly uncontested, with nine candidates for the nine available seats.
So overall there will now be sixteen Councillors for the sixteen possible seats, with the no unfilled unfilled seats.
Politically it will be mixed with four declared Conservative candidates, four LibDems, seven Independent and echoing Donald Trump’s America First slogan Nick Fogg is standing under a ‘Marlborough First’ banner.
Political? An interesting question as no Councillor will have been elected by any member(s) of the public and the question of where does a Councillor’s loyalty lie – a political party or their constituent electorate(?) should never arise. Every Town Councillor – West or East, Conservative, LibDem, Independent – or ‘Marlborough First’ – should be representing each and every one of the individual residents who live in their respective Ward.