The Town Council Planning Committee last night (Monday 06 January) were clear in their collective opinion regarding the proposal to make The Parade one-way between the Oxford Street / New Road junction at the top and the Cross Keys House at the lower end. But they did suggest that Wiltshire Council Highways do a rethink on the proposed parking layout without reducing the current number of spaces.
This followed a public consultation and meeting last November where residents and businesses had the opportunity to see the proposals in detail and make comments.
There is some congestion on this short stretch of road, but only at very limited times. Normally Saturday mornings. At other times less – or no – issues. The problem that became clear from the consultation was about parking, restrictions being ignored and cars being parked on double yellow lines and in other restricted areas which occasionally create problems.
So the core nature of this issue becomes clearer – enforcement. No apparent need for a ‘loading bay’. (included in the original proposal) which was one consistent concern of residents and businesses. That would reduce available space for parking in an area that was popular and well-used, which the whole Parade area is. Decide on a parking layout and make sure that it is observed.
The ‘more paint on the roads’ relates to a rethink about how the area is currently designated for parking and no loading bay provision. Not making fewer spaces. Just making them more useable and less likely to cause any form of obstacle in rare circumstances. And retain the two-way flow.
One concern was that larger vehicles – vans and lorries – would find it difficult to turn sharp left into The Parade from Oxford Street / New Road by The Bear Hotel.
Back to the core issue – enforcement. Deputy Mayor Cllr Emily Trow made the key point that the parking needs to be policed. Cllr Caroline Thomas – also Wiltshire Councillor and former Cabinet Member for Transport was clear that more enforcement was unlikely. “We won’t get any more enforcement as the resources just aren’t there.” Adding: “Every town gets its own allocation of resource so don’t assume we’ll get any more.” If that is so, what chance is there for more ‘considered’ paint on the roads being respected, observed and being effective? Rules – be they road use, speeding or parking are only effective if users respect those rules, and they are subject to proper enforcement. Even if The Parade were made one-way, would that actually help if ‘illegal’ and inconsiderate parking was one of the real core problems? The cutting out of one directional traffic would likely be a retrograde step but would that improve things? Unlikely, if enforcement were not improved.
So the Planning Committee arrived at a recommendation, taking on board the feedback opinion from residents and business in this area that a move to a one-way system would not be of real benefit, but parking areas should be reassessed and made more effective and useable.