Rather than impose an increase in the precept for Wiltshire Police – the amount that we all – as Council Tax payers – contribute towards the Policing across Wiltshire, Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson is asking us all – ‘how much would you be prepared to pay?’
A bit of background: Wiltshire Police has long been one of the poorest forces within the country. Why? It’s down to the structure of how funding is allocated across all forty three forces in England and Wales, and as (essentially) a rural county, with just one major town (Swindon) Wiltshire Police Force draws almost the shortest of straws. Can’t this be changed? Yes it can, eventually, but such decisions, involving national government – Home Office – and all other forces take time. Decision-making processes grind very slowly.
Not long ago Wiltshire Police Force was in ‘special measures’. Inspections had shown that there were issues across the force that needed change, and significant change. A new Chief Constable, Catherine Roper was appointed in February 2023. Since then there has been systematic change across the force, which is now no longer in ‘special measures’. That was lifted during last year as a recognition of what had been happening but that does not mean all is perfect.
Funding has been a real issue, the austerity period of nearly fifteen years ago saw the force cut significantly into manpower and overall resource but now Officer numbers are increasing so that the Wiltshire Police Force can serve the communities of Wiltshire in the ways that they deserve – and expect.
Policing is part of the community, a vital aspect of what makes society work and PCC Wilkinson is asking for an increase of just over 5% – £14 per year extra, or an additional £1.16 a month on a ‘Band D’ property but rather than push this through, he’s asking for the community opinion – and support.
In his statement he noted that: “Wiltshire Police is on an improvement journey: it is now functioning as it should, with the highest number of police officers in a decade. We have better training and development of officers, staff and volunteers, improved visibility in, and engagement with, communities, improving 101 and 999 response call times and increasing justice outcomes across many areas.”
He further noted that: “However, our residents can be assured that my, and the Chief Constable’s, commitment to transformation and investment in Wiltshire Police – so it can be the most effective and efficient police force – remains.”
Click here to access ‘Police Budget and Precept Consultation’ survey
This survey will be open for the rest of January – closing on Friday 31. More and detailed information about the Police budget for the next year – and into the future – will be available from mid January, when it will be discussed at Wiltshire and Swindon’s Police and Crime Panel.