Following your recent article in which you reported that the development scheme by Crown Estates for 175 new homes and hotel at Salisbury Road Marlborough had been approved, I would like to place on record that as a member of the Strategic Planning committee who approved the outline application I did not vote in favour of the scheme.
In common with the majority view of the Town Council I was not against the principle of building on this site to include much needed 70 affordable homes and hotel, but very much against the impact of the extra traffic generated on an already congested road into Marlborough. This along with the resultant worsening of air quality convinced me that an alternative access into this site should have been found using the A345 Pewsey Road. Although the required land was not in the ownership of either Crown Estates or Wiltshire Council, I believe that effort should have been made by Crown Estates to purchase the necessary land required.
Finally having sympathy with those concerned about the visual impact of houses built on the southern slope of the site, I have expressed the hope to the Planners that at the detailed planning stage that consideration be given to building single storey bungalows at the 160m contour line to lessen that impact.
Councillor Stewart Dobson