Wiltshire Council, now seeking the views of residents across the county on two of its core strategies for the future, is staging an exhibition at Marlborough town hall next Wednesday (June 29).
The first strategy outlines the number of jobs and homes needed in Wiltshire over the next 15 years and the second makes proposals for the location of new waste management facilities across Wiltshire and Swindon.
The Marlborough town hall event will run from 2.30 – 8.00pm and will take the form of an exhibition at which council officers will be on hand to answer any questions and take note of comments made on the consultation exercise, which will remain open until August 8.
Alternatively, hard copies of the documents can be viewed in the council’s offices in Chippenham (Monkton Park), Devizes (Browfort), Salisbury (Milford Street) and Trowbridge (County Hall and Bradley Road) as well as all local libraries.
For further information on the Wiltshire Core Strategy consultation document please telephone 01225 713489 or email: spatialplanningpolicy@wiltshire.gov.uk“>spatialplanningpolicy@wiltshire.gov.uk