There is a proposal for The Parade to become a partly ‘one way’ system with the access going uphill past The Lamb, Rainbow and coming out on New Road by Pinos and The Bear to be stopped.
The plan is for a restrictive barrier (of some sort) to be built adjacent to The Lamb pub which will only allow traffic to come down the hill from The Bear which no vehicles allowed to go up that hill (see image above).
At the recent meeting of the Town Council Planning Committee, members voted ‘to support the request for part of The Parade to be restricted to one-way traffic from Old Stables Court to junction with New Road‘.
When? Still has to be approved. How much? Total estimated cost of £14,200, most of which will come from Wiltshire Council, but £3,550 will be from the Town Council – if the project proceeds.
Marlborough has many ‘traffic problem areas’, nearby Kingsbury Street and Silverless Street being high on that list as to which many residents in both roads will attest. This proposal for The Parade doesn’t appear to be an ‘either / or’ decision, but is this of greater priority than addressing some of the pressing issues elsewhere in the town?