A proposal has been drawn up to make the road from the Bear Hotel to The Parade central area one way. Traffic could only drive down the hill, not back up. This is now out to consultation from residents and business likely to be affected.
Some parking spaces would be removed and two facing Traffic Islands would be created on either sides of the road just down by ‘Dan’s’ restaurant. Plan below:
Why? What are the reasons behind this move? To ‘find a viable solution to improve traffic flow and parking issues in The Parade’. The road down past DIY Rainbow, The Lamb and Dan’s is narrow, undoubtedly. Cars do go both ways, and frequently one will have to stop to let another go past, or sometimes (assuming no pedestrians in the area) will drive up the minimal kerb to allow passing. Traffic volume isn’t great and it’s not generally perceived to be a location for gridlock, jams and frustration. Unlike many other places in Marlborough.
Why remove parking spaces? Probably so that drivers (residents or of businesses with spaces behind their premises) coming out of either of the two access routes and frequently turn left up the hill will be able to turn right. When attempting to turn right now, if there is a vehicle parked (legally) opposite it might prove difficult or impossible. So to ensure that there is sufficient turning space to turn right, in accordance with the new traffic flow direction several spaces will have to go.
This proposal was discussed at a recent meeting of the Town Council Planning Committee, held on 21 October and the minutes state that there was ‘Strong support for the principle of one-way traffic’. Those minutes from that meeting can be accessed by clicking here. Relevant section is ‘227/24’.
One concern noted related to turning right from the High Street, across the westbound flow of traffic. Councillor Cooper noted that when this issue was first raised one condition would be that there was no reduction in parking spaces. Councillor Thomas was similarly concerned about the removal of parking spaces in this proposal. But Councillor Nick Fogg suggested that this whole stretch of The Parade be made pedestrian only. Chair Cllr Sheppard said that would ‘be noted’. The final decision was to consult residents and businesses, which is now about to take place.
To outline the proposal and give everyone a chance to learn about what’s proposed, and then to comment there will be a ‘drop-in’ session for an hour at the Town Hall on Tuesday 19 November starting at 6pm. All then may become clearer.
Meanwhile, Salisbury Road, London Road, George Lane, and the High Street are frequently at a standstill.