Rugby on The Common is now there to be played by pretty well the complete age spectrum. Too old? Not any more. ‘Walking Rugby’, for those who have hung up the scrum cap or thrown away the gumshield years ago has just ‘strolled in’ to The Common.
Every Monday at 7.00 pm, Marlborough Rugby now offers ‘Walking Rugby’. As do many clubs across the length of the Country.
Marlborough Rugby now have a popular and thriving series of youth teams with already several hundred boys and girls involved in the game, even just to learn about teams, team sports whilst getting vital exercise if nothing else. The youngest boys and girls sides are the Under Six teams, so the club is there to be used by maybe four generations – five year olds all the way through to great grand dads or great grand mums. All playing on The Common.
Walking Football is already here in Marlborough thanks to the Marlborough Youth Football Club(!) but now Marlborough Rugby has introduced the oval ball game especially for those of a ‘less mobile; generation.
This updated version of the classic ‘oval ball’ game is non-contact and made available to players of all ages and skill levels in order to be more inclusive and accessible. Walking Rugby is there to cater to those who want a sport that is less physically demanding but has a good social element.
The rules are very similar to traditional rugby except for players not being allowed to kick the ball but instead passing the ball using two hands in an underarm throw. During the game, players are not permitted to run or jog. Tries are only worth one point compared to the usual five.
Walking rugby has been discovered to be an excellent way for people to be active while improving their physical and emotional well-being. There is the ‘social side’ as well. It is a great way to make friends and meet new people. There are no barriers; Walking Rugby is there for both men and women, and they can take part in the sport together. For some, it may be the first time that they get to play a sport they have enjoyed watching from the sidelines. For others, it will be a natural progression after retiring from the game due to age or injury.
If you would like to give it a try, you can turn up at the Rugby Club at 7.00 pm on a Monday evening or you can contact Simon Barter on 07734 724139 or email