Early in the summer the A4 between Beckhampton and Overton was closed during the night for more than a week for resurfacing work – with a long diversion via Wroughton and Chiseldon. From October 15 the closure and diversion will be in force again as the resurfacing work was not up to standard and must be re-done to make the two stretches of road, in Wiltshire Council’s words, “fit for purpose”.
The surface that was laid is considered to be too slippery. The road closure will be between 19.00 and 06.00 from Monday, October 15 to Friday, October 19. It is hoped the work will not last any longer, but the new surface has to to set properly before traffic can be allowed on it .
The two stretches are: from Beckhampton roundabout east along the A4 for 400 metres; and a much longer stretch from a point east of Silbury Cottages to a point about fifty metres east of the A4’s junction with “The Sanctuary” at Overton Hill.
Access to businesses between Beckhampton and Overton – including The Bell at Overton and the Waggon and Horses at Beckhampton – will be kept open as far as is possible.
Since the work was first done these two stretches of the A4 have had no road markings – and the longer stretch starts just the brow of Overton Hill.
There will also be some disruption from temporary traffic lights on Monday, October 1, between 09.30 and 15.30, when the contractors will be doing tests to see exactly how much of the work done at the end of June will need to be re-done.
The good news is that this work will be paid for by the contractors and not cost Wiltshire’s council tax payers anything.