Today, Dec 21, Action for the River Kennet(ARK) led a team of volunteers to plant 15 native trees at Stonebridge Wild River Reserve. The trees are a mixture of white willow, black poplar and alder which are all native species that like wet conditions so they are ideal for the water meadows. The 15 trees are part of Marlborough Town Council’s pledge to plant 70 trees in the town as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy (a Platinum Jubilee initiative).
Anna Forbes, Senior Project Officer and Volunteer Co-ordinator at Ark said, “The trees will be fantastic additions to the wildlife site and the recent rain has created ideal conditions for planting. 4 of the large trees have been planted in the conservation grazing area and we are trialling a cacti guard to protect the young trees when the cows return.
The black poplar trees are rare and can live over 200 years. There are some already there that are coming to the end of their lives and have crashed into the river so we will be replacing those.
The other trees have been planted wherever there is space for a large tree to grow. All these trees favour the damp conditions provided by the riverbanks and water meadow.
Thank you to today’s planters and to Clare Harris, Assistant Town Clerk, who joined us.”