As Chancellor George Osborne announced today (Monday) proposed £25 billion cuts in government spending, Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson revealed plans to increase its council tax by £3.15 for the new financial year.
He says this is to cover the cost of the “police and crime element” of council tax following major reductions in government funding. But first Mr Macpherson is to carry out a consultation exercise with local town councils like Marlborough, chambers of commerce and the public at large.
The current rate of police and crime council tax for an average band D home in Wiltshire and Swindon is £157.77. This would rise to £160.92 under the proposal.
The £3.15 a year increase will be for the average band D property and would bring in an additional £740,0000 to the police force to help reduce the impact of significant central government grant reductions on policing and crime services.
Looking ahead three years, the proposed £3.15 a year rise would reduce the potential funding shortfall by £2.3 million. And this still means that savings of £12.5 million would be required rather than £14.8 million.
“Since the start of the austerity period, savings of more than £10 million have already been made,” Mr Macpherson told Marlborough News Online. “During the past few months we have been reviewing the budget very carefully and it is clear that as central government funding continues to reduce more and more, we have to look at a small increase in the police and crime element of council tax.
“The council tax rate for policing and crime services in our area has not increased for the past three years and it will still be the lowest in the South West. I do believe people will be willing to pay just a little bit more a year towards sustaining high quality policing and crime services in the county, especially neighbourhood policing.”
He added: “Ensuring value for money for residents in Wiltshire and Swindon while maintaining high quality services is very important to me. That is why we are embracing new ways of working smarter across the public sector, working with other police commissioners and police forces in the South West and local partners.
“As public sector budgets continue to be cut, the aim is to work more effectively together to both improve customer service and reduce costs.”
The consultation will run from today (Monday) until Monday 3 February 2014. During this time the Commissioner and members of his office will be attending Wiltshire Council Area Boards and Swindon Borough Council locality meetings to talk with people about the proposal.
Residents can also read more about the proposal and give their views on the Commissioner’s website –
Parish and town councils and chambers of commerce will also be informed about the consultation.
Mr Macpherson will be speaking with the Police and Crime Panel about the proposal at a meeting due to take place in Swindon on Wednesday 15 January.
The panel will then meet again on Thursday 6 February where the Commissioner will formally give his proposal to the panel.