Canvassers will hit Marlborough doorsteps from this morning (Friday) to give local people across Wiltshire the final chance to register to vote in all forthcoming elections.
Electoral registration forms were sent out to all 200,000 households in the county at the end of August and so far 70 per cent have answered. The forms were followed by first reminder letters sent to 80,000 properties where the occupants have not yet completed and returned their annual electoral registration form.
Starting this weekend, canvassers will be calling at any properties that have yet to respond, asking householders to complete the form on the doorstep. Many of the calls will be during the evening and weekends and if residents are not at home they will call again at a later time.
John Watling, head of electoral services at Wiltshire Council told Marlborough News Online: “If people are not registered to vote , then they will not be able to make a decision about who represents them at local, national or European level.”
“People have to complete the annual canvass form so they can help decide who makes the decisions which affect everyday life.”
The purpose of completing the registration form is so that an accurate register of electors can be published on December 1, 2011.
The council’s trading standards team are reminding people to check for ID before they open their doors. All legitimate electoral roll canvassers will wear visible identification, and are instructed not to enter any homes.
For more information contact your local electoral registration officer on 0300 456 0112 or or visit the elections page on the Wiltshire Council website.