Cllr Kym-Marie Cleasby was last night (Monday 13 May) elected Mayor to represent Marlborough for the 2024-25 year by the full Town Council at the annual Mayor-Making ceremony in the Court Room of the Town Hall.
A formal ceremony, dating back many, many years, although likely not quite as far back as to 1310 when – records indicate – a John Godhyne was installed a the town’s first Mayor. Doubtful that he was elected, they didn’t do things like that then. But a longstanding role that Kym-Marie Cleasby has taken on and one to be always reflected in the records of the town.
The (now former) Mayor, Cllr Nick Fogg joked (are we sure?) in his valedictory speech to all in the Court Room that he’d only done ‘three terms’ as Mayor, pointing out that another Mayor, in the fifteenth(?) century had completed seven terms, so he only had four more to go…. So Deputy Mayor for 2025/26?
Ceremony, yes. Tradition, yes. But an evening that is steeped in Marlborough history, protocol and is very much a feature of ‘what happens in Marlborough’, part of the life of the town.
Below are a few pics from last night – outside, downstairs (the ceremony) and in the reception afterwards in the Assembly Room.
Click any pic to enlarge
The Ceremony, in the Court Room:
And upstairs, for the Reception in the Assembly Room
And finally, the new Mayoral slippers……….