Cabling already in place for the installation of the new White Board interactive technology
The new Marlborough St Mary’s school was awarded a grant of £11,638 from the Community Area Grants Scheme at last night’s (23 May) Area Board meeting to go towards the purchase of interactive white boards. This represents approximately one-third of the overall cost of this equipment.
According to Cath Black, Head of IT at the new school, introduction of these new energy-efficient white boards will enable teachers to create eye-catching teaching materials and will promote a style of active visual-based teaching and learning that will make the classroom fun for both teacher and student. The new boards will be installed in time for the opening of the new school in September.
Other recipients of awards include three schools (St John’s, Marlborough St Mary’s and Kennet Valley) that have been awarded a total of £3,750 under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ to fund the purchase of licences for a new ‘HomeRun’ app. This system is designed to allow schools to monitor routes to and from home taken by students, with the aim of making the process more efficient through encouraging car sharing and providing information on which to change the mode of transport away from cars to use of buses, park-and-stride schemes or even walking, all of which will contribute towards improving the air quality.
Also under ‘Health and Wellbeing’ a grant award of £600 was made to support the Ramsbury over 60s fitness club, who suddenly had their Wiltshire Council funding cut completely six weeks ago. This is an interim award to see the group through the next six months during which alternative funding will be sought. “What this group does is amazing” stated Marlborough Deputy Mayor, Councillor Lisa Farrell. “We’ve talked about loneliness and exclusion of older people living in the villages and this is vitally important as a way to counteract this in the Ramsbury area” she added.
New member of the Area Board Jane Davies, the recently elected Wiltshire Councillor for West Selkley proposed a grant of £496.80 to fund permanent signage in local beauty spots, warning visitors to keep valuables out of sight in cars and to be aware that there are thieves around who will break in to cars to take any valuables visible. “Community members visit these locations as much as visitors do.” explained Councillor Davies. “This new signage will help protect them, their vehicles and possessions”. The grant will fund twenty-four new signs in areas such as West Woods, Avebury and Hackpen Hill, places where there have been vehicle thefts recently (fifty-six in the twelve months to March across the Marlborough Community Area).
The Froxfield Social Committee were granted an award of £966.35 under then Community Area Grant funding to cover the cost of replacing their marquee used for the Village Fete and beer festival, the old marquee being destroyed by bad weather.
The forthcoming Marlborough Puppetry Festival to be held on 8/9 July received a boost in the form of a £1,590 grant under Youth Grant Funding, to cover the cost of a three-day workshop to be held at St John’s Academy, where students who aren’t out on work experience placement will take part in creating a Dragon puppet to be used and shown at the following weekend’s festrival.
The Board and members of the public present were also updated on the progress of Savenake Exporer Scouts’ project to visit Tanzania in the summer, building a bridge and consrtructing living accommodation for the doctors and staff of a new medical centre that last year’s Explorer Scouts put up.
Sheila Ashley of the Dementia Action Alliance delivered a powerful and informative presentation, highlighting the need for individuals and organisations to become ‘Dementia Friendly’. This involves a one-hour training session to learn about dementia and how it can affect people’s lives. Across the county there are about 7,000 sufferers at present, a number that is gradually increasing as more of us live longer lives. To learn more about denettia, or find out how to become a ‘Dementia Friend’ click here, or to get in touch with Sheila directly by e-mail at