At Monday evening’s Meeting of the Planning Committee (22 February) Councillors voted to support the construction of a ‘shared use’ path from the southern side (rear) of the Beechcroft Care Home to the A346 at the entrance to Marlborough Business Park.
‘Shared use’ means for pedestrians and cyclists. Committee chair, Cllr Susie Price noted that this is a long awaited development which connects the existing cycle path to the path into the Business Park and Tesco, and that it was being part funded out os S106 levy income.
Cllr Loosmore proposed no objection, a long overdue section of path that will enable pedestrians and cyclists to be able to negotiate this area safely.
Cllr Mervyn Hall did raise one question – regarding unblocking the section between the Beechcroft Care Home and the old Railway track , which is currently blocked. “Does this proposal include unblocking this to enable the path to go all the way through?” he asked. If it doesn’t, he said that “all this development would do would be to enable anyone to get from the Beechcroft Care Home down into Tesco”. No one was able to answer to this, but Cllr Hall stated that the blockage was an ‘old rubbish dump’ that needed to be made good so that people could pass through.
Cllr Price suggested that this be included in the recommendation, and Councillors voted unanimously to approve subject to the inclusion of the blockage resolution issue.