Praise for his sixth form students came today (Thursday) from Dr Patrick Hazlewood, headmaster of St John’s, Marlborough, as it rejoiced in spectacular A level results.
With 53 per cent of grades achieved at A* to B, Dr Hazlewood confirmed that he was delighted with the performances of many individual students and the Sixth Form as a whole.
And he told Marlborough News Online: “This is one of the best performances that the school has achieved and it is the result of very hard work on behalf of both students and teachers”.
Another very successful summer for St John’s students sees them now well set in the fight for university places.
Following on from the school’s best ever International Baccalaureate results received in July, more students than ever have achieved top grades at A-level.
This year’s high achieving students at A-level include Katie Mills with three A* grades and an additional two A grades at AS level and Dan Jones with three A* grades plus an A at A-level.
Dan is off to Cambridge to read Computer Science whilst Katie will take a year out before applying to university.
Other students achieving at least three A* or A grades are Andrew Butler, Sam Chapman, Leo Dennis, Andrew Elia, Josh Eustace, Charlotte Farrell, George Fry, Oliver Hudson, Sam Keith, Emmie Price-Goodfellow, Dave Reynolds and Jack Smith.
Lionel Grundy, the Wiltshire Council cabinet member for children’s services, told Marlborough News Online: “I would like to offer my congratulations to all those who have received their results today and I am delighted that so many young people have done so well.
“To gain these results young people have worked extremely hard throughout their studies and it is also a tribute to the support and guidance they have received from their teachers, lecturers and those around them, all of which will have contributed to this success.”
Carolyn Godfrey, corporate director for children and education, said: “The feedback we have received to date confirms there are some outstanding individual and school results and it is fantastic to hear about the achievements of many young people across all the qualification pathways.
“While these performances reflect individual skills and talents of young people, they also reflect the high quality teaching in the schools and colleges. I would like to congratulate the students and thank all those who have supported them to secure their achievements.
“There is a range of support on hand if young people require further advice and guidance regarding their next steps. The schools, Wiltshire College and Ucas helpline all have advisers and a wide range of information on hand to support young people.”
The Ucas website ( has lots of advice available for young people who have received their A Level results today including information on clearing and options available to them. On Twitter it is advising applicants to follow @ucas_online and @ucasclearing to get up-to-date information.