Last week Kennet Valley C of E VA Primary were delighted to welcome Danny Kruger MP to the school. After a tour of the school, Danny Kruger found out more about the school by talking with the Headteacher and governors. This involved a discussion about school transport and the need for an additional school bus. He also answered questions set by the school council.
Emma Russell, Headteacher, invited Danny Kruger to the school to discuss the need for an additional school bus. 17% of Kennet Valley School pupils travel from Marlborough each day and the school is hopeful that Wiltshire Council will re-instate the school bus from Marlborough.
Emma Russell said, “I recognise that this is a big ask so I have suggested, to both Danny Kruger and the transport department of Wiltshire Council, that the existing bus route from Marlborough to Preshute Primary School could be extended to Kennet Valley, so bringing two groups of children to two schools with only a short extension.
Kennet Valley is a good school with ambitious leadership. We want to ensure that the school is sustainable in future years, and we want families in the local area to have a choice to come to us from Marlborough as well as from our local villages. To have an extension to the existing bus which serves Preshute Primary School seems a logical solution.
This would allow the children who come from Marlborough to travel in together, helping with traffic congestion and the environment, and allowing more families to look at our school in the coming years. I really appreciate Danny coming to see our wonderful little school and for talking with us about ideas that could help. We look forward to him coming back to school in the future.”
Simon Jones, co-chair of the school Governing Body, agreed with Emma Russell commenting, “Thank you Danny. It was great to meet with him and to discuss the strengths of our school and the needs we have to continue to ensure that Kennet Valley School is in the community for years to come.”
Year 6 pupils, Catalina (Chair of Kennet Valley School Council) and Rupert (Vice-chair) lead the questions pupils put to Danny Kruger. They asked about his role within the community, what he likes most about being a Member of Parliament and how he helps other people – including the Ukrainian refugees that are arriving in our local communities.
Sarah Hues, class teacher and school council staff member, was hugely impressed by the children and was incredibly grateful that Danny Kruger had the time to talk with them. She commented, “The children loved meeting Mr Kruger and finding out more about his job. They were keen to talk with him and to welcome him to our lovely school for the first time. Danny really listened to our children, and we are thankful for the time we had with him.”