Come and enjoy yourself. That was the message put out today by Marlborough’s mayor, Councillor Andrew Ross, in a bid to boost the sale of tickets for the town council’s royal wedding celebrations.
So far 123 children are planning to attend the kid’s tea party in Priory Gardens on Friday afternoon and just 60 people have booked for the evening barbecue and barn dance at the same venue.
The town council has under-written the cost of the events but hoped that support for the celebrations would make them at least self-supporting, if not provide a small profit.
“This is a great day for Marlborough and now is the last time to buy tickets for these two events,” the mayor told Marlborough News Online.
“Do come along and celebrate a truly royal romance that has direct links with Marlborough, where Kate Middleton was a student at Marlborough College. You won’t be disappointed, no matter the weather.
The wedding will be shown on a big screen in the Assembly Room at Marlborough Town Hall from 10am to 1pm. Visitors will be able to purchase a glass of sparkling wine to toast the royal couple.
The children’s tea party takes place from 2pm to 4pm in Priory Gardens.
The Royal Wedding Barn Dance takes place from 6.30pm to 11pm in Priory Gardens, with entertainment from the Marlborough Ceilidh Band.
Tickets are available at the Town Council offices in the High Street, the White Horse Bookshop and Sound Knowledge.