Today, October 18, Preshute Primary School pupils, staff, governors and friends of the school, gathered in the school playground to listen to the Right Reverend Dr Andrew Rumsey, Bishop of Ramsbury declare the new classrooms and playground formally open.
In summer 2021 a new first floor was created on the top of the Reception classroom providing three new classrooms. In September 2022 the old time-worn mobile classrooms in the playground were dismantled and taken away providing a much bigger playground space.
Headteacher, Claire Hann-Perkins, said, “We are delighted that the Bishop of Ramsey was able to come to open the new classrooms and playground, partly because living in the village he is part of the school community but also because we are a church school.
We are also celebrating by holding an Open Day today and inviting anyone from the village who would like to have a tour of our new facilities to come along. This is a way of saying thank you to the village for putting up with all the building work. Year 6 pupils have been showing people around the school and this event gives all pupils the chance to share what they have been learning about the history of the school.”
The opening ceremony took the form of a short service which included Year 6 flautists, presentations from pupils about how the school has changed since its small beginnings in 1833, a rousing song celebrating the beauties of the earth and our responsibilities to look after it and a prayer from Bishop Andrew.
As he cut the purple ribbon and declared the new facilities open, Bishop Andrew said, “What a glorious day to be singing, “I am the Earth”. We live in an amazing part of the world and the new classrooms will provide plenty of fun learning.”