Exciting plans are afoot to show live performances at Marlborough town hall of major National Theatre productions, Bolshoi Ballet performances, opera from London’s Royal Opera House. the Met in New York and the Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
They are all part of a Kennet Valley Arts Trust project in developing its popular cinema performances on the wide screen already installed in the town hall’s Assembly Room together with other new technology improvements.
But first Marlborough town council’s Property Committee must approve on Monday a recommendation to install an optimal satellite dish on a hidden chimney of the grade II listed building to provide the council with the greatest range of possible uses.
“With the approach from Kennet Valley Arts Trust to provide high quality visual broadcasts this can now be achieved,” declares a special report written by committee chairman Councillor Guy Loosmore.
The overall cost of the installation is estimated at £2,409, which is due to be re-allocated from a previously approved budget of £10,000 for the installation of a digital server.
Listed building planning consent has also to be granted by Wiltshire Council.