Thanks to every one of the nearly two hundred supporters who turned up to Ogbourne Maizey Lodge on Thursday evening last week (4 July) to enjoy this year’s Miracle Theatre production of ‘Love Riot’.
This year we had a dry night, but oh it was cold. In spite of the (cool) weather and General Election the audience was substantial – as noted above only just short of two hundred people came to see ‘Love Riot’.
Whilst cold weather conditions were against, Miracle Theatre didn’t disappoint. Their adaptation of an 18th century play “The Belles Strategem” was terrific, full of comedy, music and dance, as our heroine, Letty (Millie Montgomery-Smith), with the help of her friends contrived to make the best of an “arranged marriage” and successfully found love in the end.
Miracle’s 19 year old actress will go far, as the poor girl had to eat a scotch egg in a sublime sketch on stage every performance. Guess what was left behind in our fridge – a scotch egg!
Well, we couldn’t send it back to Miracle Theatre in the post, so we ate half each for lunch! We’ve had some lovely reviews and managed to raise £1,300 towards Ogbourne St. Andrew church renovation.
Roll on 2025. This will be our 20th year of hosting these plays for charity, so we invite you to come along and celebrate with us!
Marion Gordon-Finlayson, organiser