One of Wiltshire Council’s budgetary plans to meet the cuts imposed by the coalition government has only just come to light.
From the beginning of this month the costs of town and parish elections will have to be paid for by those councils rather than by the unitary authority. This has come as a bit of a shock for councils as the decision by Wiltshire Council to make the charges was made after councils had set their council tax levels for 2015-2016.
The scale of charges depends on the size of the electorate, the number of postal voters and the number of polling stations.
The Town Clerk reported to Marlborough Town Council (April 13) that an election in a large town ward could cost over £5,000, but in a small rural parish it could be very much less. Some economies – such as not issuing polling cards – may have to be made.
Councillor Ross told the meeting that they might well have to raise their part of the annual council tax rate to cover election costs.
One political commentator Marlborough News Online spoke to after the meeting said she thought this move would hasten the day when such elections were conducted solely online.