The latest figures tell us that there are 850,000 people with dementia in the United Kingdom – and 700,000 of them are in England. And the increasing number of sufferers is worrying health and social care managers and finance directors.
Before the Marlborough Area Board meeting on November 24 there is the chance to forget the statistics for forty-five minutes or so and think about the people with dementia and how we should respond to them: Sheila Ashley of Alzheimer’s Support will be running a Dementia Friends awareness session.
It is a chance to learn a little bit more about the condition and how dementia can affect those living with it.
The session begins at 6.00pm in the Court Room of Marlborough Town Hall and will last about 45-50mins. Everyone taking part will be asked to make a small effort towards dementia awareness before being presented with a Dementia Friends Forget-me-not badge.
During the Area Board meeting Sheila will be talking about what makes a Dementia Friendly Community. This is an initiative with the backing of Marlborough Area Board and we already know of cases where individuals, organisations or retailers are being that bit more understanding about those with dementia.
For more information readers can call Andrew Jack, Marlborough’s Community Engagement Manager on 01225 713109 or