Dear Danny Kruger has brought us the desperately sad and appalling announcement that The Enablement Hub (formerly the New Road Day Centre) is having to close. This month it lost half its Wiltshire Council funding and it faced losing the other half in April 2023. As yet no alternative sustainable funding has been magicked into existence by Wiltshire Councillors.
You will I am sure understand that this closure will reduce the quality of life for many of those in the Marlborough area who do not start their lives with the advantages so many of your constituents have had. This closure brings another bleak gap into our community.
I am writing this open letter to you in the hope that you can lead an effort to save The Enablement Hub from closure now that Wiltshire Council has successfully got rid of another socially vital cost from its budget.
The demographics of our area mean that your party has an automatic hold on the constituency. In Parliament last week you spoke about members of “the respectable tendency – often Conservative voters”. As the party does not need to do much campaigning, perhaps you could persuade some of those people to stop funding you and your local party and instead donate to The Enablement Hub.
Yours sincerely
Tony Millett
Clench Common
23 April 2022