I am very disappointed that Joan Davies, chairman of Savernake Parish Council, has not kept herself up to date with the Crown Estate’s development proposals for Marlborough and has become upset by your initial report of the next steps for this welcome project.
We simply cannot stand still and stagnate when so many people are being affected by the economic downturn and gloom has caused so much depression. We need hope for the future.
Yes, I did propose a hotel for the site during my year as Mayor, one that is now so necessary to boost tourism following the loss of the Ivy House Hotel, and I am pleased that it has remained part of the proposals now being evaluated.
The figure for the number of housing units to be built, laid down by government decree, has not changed. It was always 220/230 from the start. So I don’t know where Joan gets the figure of 100 from.
As to potential problems with water supply, these were discussed at the Marlborough Town Council meeting on Monday night when Richard Aylard, the sustainability director for Thames Water, made a presentation, and they too will be discussed in considerable detail before any planning application is made.
What troubles me is that Joan fails to see any of the truly positive aspects of the Crown Estate’s development that are to be applauded in these difficult times, i.e. providing homes that people can afford, creating jobs and giving the Marlborough Business Park, the Tesco supermarket especially, a much needed boost.
Why she believes the Marlborough News Online report on the subject apparently wipes out its professional reputation is really quite ridiculous. The website is the only place where you will find essential information about the town consistently and accurately reported.
Long may it continue.
Yours sincerely,
Councillor Peggy Dow
Wiltshire Council