Kennet Valley School pupils, staff, parents, and governors celebrated the Platinum Jubilee on Friday May 27 with a special picnic and a sports day with a Jubilee twist. Pupils also designed and decorated pebbles with pictures and symbols representing the Platinum Jubilee which have been distributed around local villages in hope that someone else will find and keep them as a memory of this important historical British event. The school’s Friends Association presented each pupil with a Jubilee medal and teddy to mark the occasion.
Headteacher, Emma Russell, said, “It was wonderful to see our whole community together again after a difficult couple of years and it was clear that everyone was enjoying the festivities. I am blessed to have a fantastic staff team, who worked hard to make this day a real success. I hope they know how grateful I am for all of their hard work.”
The sports day included traditional games (some with a jubilee twist) for the children and parents to take part in, such as pin the tail on the corgi, apple bobbing, and croquet. After the picnic lunch and more games, the traditional sports day began. This year the Kennet Valley pupils rose to the challenge of 3 races each – a long distance flat race of approximately 400 metres, a short sprint, and a novelty race. The novelty races were all Jubilee themed with races including collecting the Corgi dogs, making scones, hobby horse races, Jubilee bunting race and dressing as a king or queen! It was clear that all of the children loved participating and did their absolute best to win each of their races.
Jacqy McQue, Sports Subject Leader, commented, “At Kennet Valley we love sport and this day allowed everyone to take part in a range of races and to have a huge amount of fun while doing so. Before we started to race, some of our amazing Year 6 children led the school in some warmup dancing and we sang Sweet Caroline and the National Anthem. I know that I speak for all of the school when I say a huge thank you to everyone who could join us and support this important event.”
The event was also supported by the Kennet Valley Friends Association, who are a committed team of parents who raise money for the school. This year they served tea and cake all afternoon, ran a raffle, and sold school memorial tea towels and jubilee party packs – all of which will help to raise more money for the school. Emma Russell said, “Our Friends Association have been so helpful in organising their parts of the day and these have helped so much to make it a wonderful day for all involved – thank you!”
Meanwhile if you are out and about in the villages of the Kennet Valley look out for the decorated pebbles. Each pebble has been labelled with ‘For you from Kennet Valley Primary School for the Platinum Jubilee 2022’. Lisa Morgan, Art Subject Leader, was delighted by the beautiful designs and hard work of the children, saying, “Our children have been so dedicated with this artwork, knowing that they were giving them away to other people within the community. I speak for all the staff when I say we are really proud of them, and we hope that anyone who finds one will take it home and remember this special event in the years to come.”