Would you walk over hot coals for charity?
That’s the question being asked by Prospect Hospice, who are inviting the public to take part in their Firewalk event at Alexandria House Hotel, Wroughton on 28 October this year to raise money for the hospice.
The event sees participants being sponsored to walk barefoot over burning embers, at temperatures that can reach almost 800 degrees centigrade. The event also includes a Halloween Party for family and friends with traditional festive activities including apple-bobbing and a pumpkin carving competition.
Last year’s event at the Check Inn, Wroughton, raised nearly £8,000 towards the costs of the Hospice, which looks after 1800 patients and their families in the local area every year.
One of the participants was Marc Blackwell, who decided to take on the challenge after friend Louisa Francis spent her final days in the care of the Hospice. Marc, who raised over £1,000 in sponsorship at the event, said:
“I really enjoyed it, and I’d recommend anyone to give it a go. I was really nervous beforehand when we were queuing and watching the others take part, but actually when it was my turn I just concentrated on what I had to do and the nerves left me. It was a bit like walking over very hot sand – painful, but not unbearable. The important thing was that I was doing it for Prospect.”
This year, the organisers are hoping that more people will take on the ultimate challenge and walk over hot coals for Prospect Hospice. The charity is looking for brave people to put mind over matter for the event and for their friends and family to come along to the spooky Halloween party and to watch them walk over red-hot coals in aid of Prospect Hospice.
Sheryl Crouch, head of fundraising, said: “A lot of our events are physical challenges of one kind or another, but not everyone wants to take on a physically demanding challenge. The great thing about the Firewalk is that it’s extreme, and demanding without being too physically challenging.
“We are hoping that groups from businesses might like to take part. We’re also hoping that people will bring their friends and family to buy a ticket to our Halloween Party to see how brave they are!
Registration for the Firewalk costs just £25, and organisers hope firewalkers can raise a suggested sponsorship amount of £150. To register, visit www.prospect-hospice.net/firewalk