Marlborough Rugby Club has applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for consent under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 to carry out restricted works on Marlborough Common. The Planning Inspectorate will decide the application on behalf of the Secretary of State.
The proposed works are to extend the existing kitchen area at the northern end of the building. The existing building is in a “T” shape and the “square off” the building at this northern end.
The extension is modest at just under an additional 9m² floor space. The proposed extension will be recessed from the original building by 100mm to accentuate its subservience to the existing structure.
The extension will be of the same style & design and use matching materials as the existing clubhouse. It has been designed to keep intact the feel of the existing building.
The proposed extension has been designed to minimise the impact on the area, kept to a reasonable size / bulk and has taken into consideration all neighbouring properties.
No changes are to be made to the existing vehicular and pedestrian access.
Approximately 10m of temporary “Heras” style fencing will be erected around the building area during the construction phase to meet Health & Safety requirements. The temporary fencing will be removed as soon as construction is completed.
Full planning consent has been granted by Wiltshire Council. Details can be viewed on their Planning Portal (reference: PL/2022/05997)
A copy of the application form and accompanying documents can be inspected at Marlborough Rugby Club, Frees Avenue, Marlborough, SN8 1DL until 29th February 2024. A copy of the application form and accompanying documents may be obtained by emailing
Any representations should be sent in writing ON or BEFORE that date to The Planning Inspectorate, Commons Team at 3A Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN or
Representations sent to The Planning Inspectorate cannot be treated as confidential. They will be copied to the applicant and possibly to other interested parties. To find out more about how the Planning Inspectorate uses and manages personal data, please go to the privacy notice.
Mark Thomas
Marlborough Rugby Club
Frees Avenue
24 January 2024