election special 2017
election special 2017 – west selkley
Jane Davies – Conservative: I am delighted to be your Conservative Candidate for the local elections on 4th May 2017. I live in Lockeridge, running my own business from home, my children have been educated at our village primary school and I’ve been a school governor since 2007. I was the Chair of Governors, Kennet Valley School from 2007 until 2011 and I am now a Foundation Governor. I am a member of Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council, so understand how local issues can affect people. I have also been very involved with our community traffic calming initiatives and the campaign to achieve a 20mph limit for Lockeridge, a busy village with lots of pedestrians, cyclists and riders who have no choice but to share the old narrow pavement-less roads with vehicles. Since being selected as your Conservative candidate in Spring 2016, I have been working hard to find out how effective councillors work; attending area boards, neighbourhood plan and other West Selkley parish council meetings as well as full Council in Trowbridge. Understanding the detail of how the Council works really helps achieve results on everything from road repairs to influencing policy making so that it benefits rural communities. I believe local representation is crucially important to protect and preserve those things we value. It is clear that communities who have a say in what happens to them are stronger. That’s why I support local democracy in Wiltshire. The Area Board system allows us to give funds to communities, youth and elder groups and through the Community Transport Group to improving road safety. We all want thriving communities, access to local events, to walk on safe streets, a good education for our children and support for the most vulnerable. I would like you to vote for me because I have a strong record of successful voluntary work, improving things for my area. I have been involved in achieving some great outcomes for local residents and would like to use my knowledge and experience to work for everyone in the West Selkley Ward. |
Matthew Lee – Labour: I live in Fyfield where Donna and I brought up our two children. I feel very lucky to be able to live in an area surrounded by the beautiful downland countryside. Why you should vote for me? I currently work as an engineer in Swindon and am conscious of the wide differences across the county. I would like to have an opportunity to support and represent our community. At a time when councils are increasingly struggling with the demands of rising social care needs, school rolls and an ageing population, pressed against reduced support from central government it is important to keep the council accountable to the people. Investment in our community and services will be key to restoring opportunity and preventing further division. I recognise that balancing priorities from roads to old age care is un-enviable, but I hope to be able to challenge the continuing decline that I think is all too apparent. |
Sara Spratt – Liberal Democrat: I live in Avebury and since moving here have taken an active role in the life of the village and the beautiful landscape in which it is situated. I became involved in local politics after a disappointing experience with the County Council last year. I was involved, along with other villagers, in opposing a National Trust planning application. During the planning hearing it seemed to me that some of the Councillors were not fully aware of the core principles of the Wiltshire Planning Policy and were not asking the right questions. As a solicitor this really concerned me. It is vitally important that we have Councillors who are fully involved in the process, attend all meetings and are up to speed on the policies which they are implementing. Many of the current Conservative Councillors appear to have become complacent, as they have not really been challenged at the ballot box for many years. I want to change this and shake the council up. My focus as a Councillor would be to ensure that we protect both the level of services provided to local residents, preventing any further cuts and deterioration, and the landscape around us. It is also vital that speed limits in our villages are enforced. Cars speed through Avebury at far more than 30 mph. I would work to keep our roads in good condition (for example avoiding the ridiculous situation seen in the Parade in Marlborough where the central parking area was re-tarmaced but the rest of the road untouched). Finally I would seek to ensure that the Marlborough Area Board spends the money it is given by the Council wisely. For example, in 2016 the Marlborough Area Board gave £10,000 to a Marlborough Youth Music festival which only 80 people attended. Whilst the idea of supporting such a festival is in principle a worthy one it is clear that Councillors need to take more care with decisions about spending such large sums of money. I would also like to see local Councillors working more closely with and providing funding to local organisations protecting and enhancing the landscape of West Selkley, such as the Marlborough Downs: Space for Nature initiative.