A Marlborough based company, Keyflow®, with renowned event rider Mark Todd as a director, has launched a new range of specialist horse feeds. New Zealander Mark Todd, who is based at Thatcham, has extended his business interests by becoming a shareholder and director of Keyflow®.
This summer, Todd competed in his seventh Olympics – helping the New Zealand team win the bronze eventing medal. He had previously won two Olympic gold medals. He has won the prestigious events at Burghley five times and at Badminton four times.
Keyflow®, which was set up in January this year, has introduced a full range of premium brands each of them scientifically balanced for the European sport and leisure horse and pony market. These brands are the result of collaboration between two of the world’s leading equine nutritionists: Australian Dr Ray Biffin and the British expert Dr Catherine Dunnet.
The Mark Todd mixes – named Stay Cool, Maestro and Perfect Balance – contain beetroot, stabilised rice bran and cold-pressed canola oil.
Mark works with managing director, Cam W Price, on the executive board, and with the executive director, Vicki Glynn, who was a global executive in the pharmaceuticals industry.
Also involved with the company are the riders Michael and John Whitaker. They have another range of feeds – Jumpmix and Jumpmix Jnr. The full range of Keyflow products can be found on their website.
Keyflow® also gets advice from its associated team of Key Riders in which Mark Todd and the Whitaker brothers are joined by Jonelle Richards (based at Minal) and Tim Price.
Mark Todd is pleased with his horses’ performance on the new feeds: “All my horses are fed on Keyflow®, they’re eating it really well and look and feel great. Maestro has certainly put a spring in the step of Regent Lad who sometimes can be a bit laid back. And Major Milestone, who is on Stay Cool, now appears to be more relaxed in the dressage.”
As they say about humans, horses are what they eat.
[Photo of Mark Todd – thanks to alcrook.co.uk]